I started this school year thinking about music education as a bridge, connecting the students in our community. As I had the chance to meet other teachers at conferences like CASMEC and OAKE this year, it was inspiring to me to see how NCAKE brings together educators working in so many different situations, changing the lives of thousands of people every day. Hearing about their experiences has inspired me about how we might continue to reach out further in the coming years.
As the school year comes to a close, my time as NCAKE president is also coming to an end. The future of NCAKE is bright as ever with my friend and colleague, Rita Alway, taking over as president. She brings contagious enthusiasm, and her unique experience implementing the Kodály approach in underserved schools, to help us look toward the future. Our board includes many dedicated members who are hard at work to help NCAKE grow and thrive. Next season, we'll be bringing important culture bearers Agustín Lira and Melanie De More and a rising leader in the Kodály community, Melissa Headrick, to the Bay Area. We'll also have the chance to celebrate our 40th anniversary in August, with a chance to catch up with old friends, make some new ones and share resources.
Kodály's bold vision of high-quality music education for all continues to inspire our work. As you look ahead to the next school year, consider what role you might play in helping us carry out this mission in your community. Get involved as a volunteer and bring an educator friend to a workshop. The chance to be connected to colleagues and to work together toward our collective dreams is a powerful gift, summed up perfectly in the closing words to one of my favorite canons (“How Great is the Pleasure” by Henry Harrington): "Sweet harmony and friendship unite."
-Julie Haydon