Music Teacher Needed ASAP for school in Mountain View, CA. This position is on Fridays between 8am – 2:30pm. It runs for 22 weeks with an extra week for rehearsals and concerts. (all paid)
Hayward Unified School District: Elementary Music/Middle School Chorus
Oakland Youth Chorus: Elementary Chorus teachers
Castro Valley School of Music: Piano Instructor
Piedmont East Bay Children's Choir: Choir Conductor, Boys Choir Grades 1-3
Job Opportunity Bay Area CA with Rhythm and Moves
K-8 Music Teacher at St. Cornelius Catholic School
Teaching Assistants Wanted - Piedmont East Bay Children's Choirs
Bilingual Teaching Artist- Cantare Children's Choirs
Cantare Children’s Choirs of Oakland is seeking a dynamic, experienced, bi-lingual (Spanish and English) music teacher to join our team of professional Teaching Artists, working with grades K-5, teaching in-school general music classes during the school day and directing after-school choir rehearsals.
Director of Music Ministry First Presbyterian Church Oakland
The Director of Music Ministry will focus on engaging and developing the musical gifts already present in the congregation for worship. Working closely with the Pastor and Director for Children & Youth , s/he participates in planning and leading a variety of worship music, including congregational singing, a small choir, and musicians of all ages and abilities. Our primary focus is on continuing to develop an intergenerational, multicultural worship environment that reflects our vision to “Make God’s Welcome Known” in both weekly worship and special worship events.
Resound Ensemble- Artistic Director
SF Boys Chorus- San Francisco Position
SF Boys Chorus- Marin Position
SF Boys Chorus- South Bay Position
iSing Silicon Valley Girlchoir
iSing is seeking a part-time teacher to work with our elementary school aged choirs, preparing them for concerts and/or recitals at the end of each semester. The teacher will participate in repertoire and curriculum planning with the artistic team, mentored by Shane Troll, an expert in the field of music education for young singers. The position will begin in August 2018. Compensation commensurate with experience.