Music Teacher (Multiple openings, Reno, NV)

The Washoe County School District in Reno, Nevada needs Music Teachers! There are 10 vacant positions that will be open for hire beginning on or around May 25, 2021. Please contact Amy Barthel at or 775-861-1234 if interested. 

Begin the Nevada Department of Education licensure process. The website is HERE.

Begin the Washoe County School District Application. Link is found HERE.  Once you have 4 Returned Confidential References and your application is complete, please notify Amy Barthel and Adriana Publico. Adriana’s email is

Our positions open to new hires beginning on May 25 so you will want to have a completed application by then. Your license doesn’t have to be complete to apply for positions but should be in process with the state so it has been issued by August when school starts. You cannot begin employment without the license. Our first teacher day is August 3rd  and first student day is August 9th for 2021.

Available Positions
.6 Kate Smith .4 Stead Elementary music
.8 Warner .2 Winnemucca Elementary music- Limited Term
.8 Gomes .2 Desert Heights Elementary music
1.0 Mitchell Elementary music 
Another Full time elementary school- TBA
Another Full time elementary school Limited Term- TBA
.5 Traner MS Band
1.0 Cold Springs MS Band 
1.0 Mendive MS Band
1.0 Billinghurst MS Choir 

Amy Barthel
Fine Arts Coordinator & Music Supervisor
775-861-1234 Office
775-861-4404 Fax
380 Edison Way Ste 102
Reno, NV 89502

Searching job listings? Check out these resources!

EdJoin -
Check Edjoin for Music Teacher positions in California.
This is regularly updated – you can search according state and type of role as well!

California Music Educators Association -
Check out these openings posted to CMEA:

Northern California Orff-Schulwerk Association -
Check out their website and FaceBook page for job postings.

Single Subject Music Teacher Eligibility Pool (BUSD, 2021-22)

Berkeley Unified School District (BUSD) will be recruiting for the 2021-2022 school year shortly. 

Please contact Peter Gidlund directly.
Visual and Performing Arts Supervisor
Berkeley Unified School District

Office: 510-644-8772
Cell: 510-859-5070

Additional links:

Single Subject Music Teacher Eligibility Pool (OUSD, 2021-22)

Include in Pools: This posting is for candidates who would like to be considered for any and all Single Subject Music eligibility pool openings at Oakland Unified School District (OUSD). This is not an advertisement of a current vacancy at OUSD but rather an opportunity to submit applications to be screened for anticipated vacancies. Please also apply to any site specific positions you may be interested in.

Provide general classroom music instruction to students in grades K-5. Training in Orff Schulwerk, Kodaly, Dalcorze, or other general music instructional approach is preferred. This position is not instrumental (band/orchestra).

Learn more here:

Music Teacher (Saint Brigid Elementary School, F/T, Fall 2021)

Saint Brigid Elementary School (TK-8) seeks a motivated and experienced full-time music teacher for a demanding music program steeped in the Catholic tradition.

The music program at St. Brigid school is jointly sponsored by the school and St. Mary’s Cathedral, tying into the Cathedral Choir School Project ( The Cathedral Music Director serves as liaison between cathedral and school and oversees the school’s music program, but the music teacher is ultimately responsible to the school principal 

The primary goal of the music program is musical literacy for all children in the school. To achieve this goal, a variety of methods are used, among them the Kodaly and Ward Methods, Noteflight software, a system using square notation to teach solfege, and instrumental instruction (recorders in grades 3 and 4, strings in grades 5 and 6, and handbells in grades 7 and 8---some of these could be taught by a second teacher). However, the primary focus is group singing.

Each class meets several times a week for at least 30 minutes each session. An after school program includes at present two ukulele ensembles and two string ensembles.

There are frequent school Masses, each led by a different grade, and the music teacher is responsible for preparing the students for the music. In addition there are two school wide concerts, one in the Winter, and one in the Spring.


  1. Experienced music teacher with at least a Bachelor degree

  2. Committed Christian with an appreciation of the Catholic faith

  3. Experience with the Kodaly Method, including the Curwen hand signs

  4. Some knowledge of Ward Method desirable

  5. Knowledge of recorder, strings, and handbells desirable

  6. Familiarity with Noteflight software and application in the classroom

  7. Thorough familiarity with square notation and Gregorian chant

  8. Willingness to incorporate subject matter relevant to study in other subjects into the curriculum

  9. Sense of organization and punctuality

  10. Willingness to take on after school music involvement

Salary and benefits according to Archdiocesan guidelines

Resumes and letters of application should be sent to Christoph Tietze at the school, or emailed to

Lower School Music Teacher (Town School for Boys; Full Time)

Town School for Boys seeks a full-time music teacher for grades K-3 and K-6 electives to begin in the 2021-22 school year. Music is taught in all grade levels from K-8 and includes work in music history, music theory and several performances throughout the year. The school recently opened The Dolby Family Center for Performing Arts, a state-of-the-art performing arts facility. Town is in the process of building out a performing arts program across grades K-8 and we seek a teacher who will contribute to the vision and creative integration of performing arts throughout the academic program. The music classroom is located in the main building and is well-supplied with materials and instruments.

The music teacher will have the opportunity to collaborate with a theater arts teacher as well as classroom teachers across the grades. The music teacher will develop school-wide performances for the winter holiday season and Grandparents’/Special Friends’ Day, as well as other curriculum-appropriate performance opportunities for the boys. The position also includes offering electives in the Upper School program and partnering to develop a robust after-school program. We are particularly interested in music teachers with special strengths in areas such as digital music, ensembles, and guitar. The music department consists of two full-time music teachers who collaborate on some programs and produce others independently. A Bachelor’s degree in music, music education or related field is required; a Master’s degree is strongly desired.

Read more here

Music Teacher position - Part time - Albany Unified School District

The job is approximately 30% with the possible option of increasing over time. This is in a lovely school with very supportive teachers and administrators. The classes meet once a week for 30 minutes. Right now the classes are online and you have the opportunity to work with me. We can share the same website which is already set up and can teach the same lessons. That way you will not have to do 100% of the work since you are 30%. Collaboration is not a requirement in this job, but it might be a big help. We try to coordinate musical elements being taught, so you can also teach your own Kodály curriculum if you would like." - Jeffrey Luna-Sparks (M.M.Ed./Kodály HNU)

Associate Conductor (Full Time)

iSing Silicon Valley is seeking a full-time Associate Conductor to join our outstanding teaching team, beginning in August 2020. The Associate Conductor will co-teach weekly classes for elementary school-aged singers at our Palo Alto location and will be responsible for leading our weekly iSing@RWC choir for 3rd–8th grade students in Redwood City. The Associate Conductor will also work with the rest of the iSing teaching team on repertoire and curriculum planning for both programs.

We plan to expand iSing’s neighborhood chorus program to other school districts on the Bay Area Peninsula in the near future. As new neighborhood choruses are added, the Associate Conductor will shift focus increasingly to the neighborhood chorus program. The Associate Conductor will actively participate in the planning for the expansion.

Children's Chorus Seeking Conductor (SF)

We are currently in search of a conductor for two of our younger choruses: Prima (PreK/K) and Scherzo (1st-3rd grades). The rehearsals take place between 4 and 6pm on Wednesdays in the Sunset district of San Francisco. Both groups are wonderful and we have an assistant and pianist for both groups. 

Lower School Music Teaching Associate Position

Position Overview:The role of Lower School Music Teaching Associate is a collaborative one. While the Lead Teacher shoulders the primary responsibility for a class, both teachers are expected to plan and teach together (when appropriate) to deliver whole and small-group instruction. After School small-group, 1:1 teaching opportunities are also a possibility.

General/Choral Music teachers sought for 2019-20 school year

OYC seeks part and/or full time general and choral instructors for current openings and our sub list. Teachers
work closely with students, on-site personnel, and OYC staff, teaching the fundamentals of vocal and choral music to elementary children in-school and after school programs. Lessons connect with world cultures, focus on musical
skills development, and support student learning across disciplines.

ELM Chorus Teaching Artist

Teach 2 blocks of chorus class of 30-40 students ages 7-9 years on Saturday mornings (from 9:00- 11:30) in San Rafael. Responsible for teaching ELM students and ensuring the highest quality of singing experiences for our students. Create curriculum and pedagogy in collaboration with other ELM music faculty. Uphold ELM’s philosophy to support each child holistically and help facilitate community and family engagement.

YWCP Dolce Singers Director Needed

Young Women’s Choral Projects of San Francisco (YWCP) is seeking a choral music educator for its new, introductory level singing class, Dolce Singers, starting in September 2019. Through a Kodály-based curriculum, young girls in Dolce Singers (ages 4-6) will build basic musicianship skills and vocal technique while actively engaging their minds, bodies and voices in folk songs and dances, music games, simple percussion playing and ageappropriate unison choral music. Dolce Singers is a non-auditioned class that will meet once a week on Saturdays from 10:00-10:45am in San Francisco, perform for parents twice a year (in December and May), and perform with the YWCP training choirs one time in March.

San Francisco Boys Chorus South Bay 2019‐20 Rehearsal Director and Musicianship Instructor Apprentice, Junior & Prep Choruses


Director & Musicianship Instructor conducts the Preparatory and Junior Chorus (grades K‐1) in combined rehearsals as well as an Apprentice Chorus (grades 2‐3) musicianship class at the San Francisco site and Preps/Juniors in the Oakland site for the season from September 2019 through early June
2020. Possible summer camp employment opportunities. Reports to Music Education Director.

San Francisco Boys Chorus Director and Musicianship Instructor 2019‐20 (SF/Oakland)


Director & Musicianship Instructor conducts the Preparatory and Junior Chorus (grades K‐1) in combined rehearsals as well as an Apprentice Chorus (grades 2‐3) musicianship class at the San Francisco site and Preps/Juniors in the Oakland site for the season from September 2019 through early June
2020. Possible summer camp employment opportunities. Reports to Music Education Director.

San Francisco Boys Chorus Marin site 2019‐20 Rehearsal Director and Musicianship Instructor

2019‐20 Rehearsal Director and Musicianship Instructor:

Intermediate Chorus (Level IV)


Rehearsal Director & Musicianship Instructor conducts the Intermediate Chorus (Grades 4‐6) rehearsals at SFBC’s Marin site from September through early June 2020. Possible summer camp employment opportunities. Reports to Music Education Director.

Kairos Music Academy Seeks Dedicated & Skilled Conductor for Young Singers

Exciting job opening for part time conductor for Berkeley based youth choir with a 30 year history. The Director prepares for and conducts the Avghie (Greek for “Sunrise”) and Anthos (Greek for “Blossoming”) ensembles (ages approx 6 to 9) in weekly rehearsals and performances. The Director collaborates with the choir staff to meet the artistic goals, objectives and long range plans of Kairos Music Academy.